Our Latest Projects

  • Industrial Spray Painting, Machinery Reconditioning

Info:Caterpillar Cab Reconditioning

At macleay sheet metal engineering, we carry out meticulous reconditioning of all tractor cabs to make old, worn out machinery like new again.

We dismantle them to a bare shell, sand blast and repair any defects before re painting, re upholstering, repairing and replacing electrical components, cut and fit new glass and seals, which leaves them as good as they were brand new.

If you have old machinery that still works well but is tired in the cabin, allow Jeff and the team to quote you on a full renovation and give you that brand new feeling, without the big drop in your bank balance.

Macleay Sheet Metal are located at 10-12 Nance Road, Kempsey, NSW.

Call or email us on +61 2 6563 1979 or admin@macleaysheetmetalengineering.com
